During this personal project, I build both python scripts to fetch data about french fuel prices from the gouvernment open data and a static website hosted on GitHub to display the prices.

The first part of the project was building python scripts to fetch data from the french government open data about fuel prices and dump it into a JSON file. Python scripts are accompanied by linters and formatters, run in a Continuous Integration pipeline (via GitHub Actions). The scripts are used in a CRON pipeline dedicated to regularly fetch new data about french fuel prices.

The second part was the static website. I build it using Jekyll and JavaScript. It is hosted on GitHub pages. It displays a map of France, with gas station locations and their prices. It also display the average fuel price per region in France. Map manipulations are done using Leaflet library. JavaScript code is also associated to linters and formatters that are used during Continuous Integration to enforce code format.

In the end, this project showcase how to build quickly a static website displaying statistics from open data.

Jekyll Leaflet GeoJSON Python JavaScript GitHub GitHub pages GitHub actions CI/CD VS Code

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