As a personal project, I developed an Android application that enables users to analyze their personal data from various apps such as Spotify and Facebook Messenger.

The app required users to download their personal data from these apps and then analyzed it to display statistics such as their favorite artists and the amount of time spent listening to them.
Indeed, It is based on the fact that apps which collect information about individuals must offer the users a way to access it. Then, I found intersting to dig in this huge amout of personal data that companies like Facebook or Spotify had on me.
The app then showed me, about Facebook Messeger, the conversations with the more messages exchanged, and who was sending the more messages. About Spotify, the app showed the more listened artist, and the listing duration evolution through the year.
In fact, I could display almost everything, as I had the hand on the data.

Although the app was never published, the source code is available on GitHub for anyone interested in learning more about its development and functionality.

This project allowed me to gain experience in working with personal data, and even in some sort of data analysis, as I wanted to display relevant information based on a huge amount of data. It also challenged me in Android development.

Kotlin Android Studio GitHub Data mining Data analysis Data visualization

Source code