Project done as Software engineer at SIREHNA

As a software engineer at SIREHNA, I was tasked with the responsibility of developing a mass estimating software that met the specific needs of our clients. Using Python programming language, I worked on the core of the app, creating a database-centered API that was independent of the graphical user interface.

My focus was on implementing robust file reading and writing operations, and handling incorrect or missing data. This included using pandas library to read excel files and manage dataframes.
I used a relational database to ensure the integrity of the data, while also offering efficient computations. It implied working with SQL to query and update the software storage.
Additionally, I implemented features that properly managed the data history, using Git as the versioning tool.

To ensure the quality of the code, I followed several good practices, including the use of code formatters and linters (black, pylint, isort...), conteneurization with Docker, and continuous integration with Gitlab CI and code review.

Throughout the project, I collaborated closely with the clients to understand their needs and build a software that was truly useful to them.

The project is still ongoing while I am writing this.

Python SQL SQLite Docker Git GitLab GitLab CI CI/CD VS Code Pytest Pandas PySide PyQT